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My Sign Of Love.
Submitted by: Jyoti Chauhan
IndiaI am a writer, a running enthusiast and a believer. I believe in myself and the power of our mind. I hope you all will also use this power to get what you want.
I am a strong believer of the law of attraction but that was not the case two and half years back. Though I am a very positive person my belief was not that strong at that time. Things were not working for me. I was not getting a long due promotion, my income was not that great. We were planning for a family but things were not going anywhere. I started feeling that no one loves me and I almost went into depression. There was negativity all around the office and in my home.
In the middle of all this in November 2011 I bought The Secret movie which I was hearing about from all possible directions. My husband and I saw this movie and read the book. We were so motivated by it that we started applying the law of attraction to our life.
I created my affirmation statements around money, family, happiness. I started saying them loudly in front of a mirror, while traveling, and every day at night I used to write them down in my journal. I made a butterfly as my sign of love and gratitude.
Guess what?
I used to see butterflies everywhere like an animated movie. I used to show my gratitude whenever I saw them and believe me, it was crazy. I started feeling so happy within a weeks time and most of the time it was without any reason.
Within a month I got promoted. After two months of all this I fell pregnant! There was another law of attraction wish that my husband was doing, he wanted twins. And now I am a mother of one and half year old twin boys! We had some complications with our new born babies but also belief gave me strength and after few months of struggle everything came on track.
Money started coming from all possible ways and most of the time without me expecting it. Life became really beautiful and I truly feel thankful from bottom of my heart to Rhonda for sharing this amazing book with us. It has changed my life completely. I was thinking to write this piece down for the last year but never got time. But I have to do this because I got so much inspiration from the stories that so many of you have shared and it’s my turn to give what I got.
Thank you so much.