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My Secret List Revealed
Submitted by: Laura
Pennsylvania U.S.A.Laura is an Artist, Mogul, World Citizen, and Goddess incarnate living and loving life with her husband and three beautiful children in Pennsylvania.
I was Introduced to The Secret one evening through Neale Donald Walch’s newsletter. I watched the trailer and was hooked. The next morning I watched the film for the first time and my life changed. Some amazing things have happened since that blessed day.
A rundown of the goodies:
Three days after watching the film, I noticed my brunette roots showing (gasp!). I wanted to keep my current hair color of platinum blonde, so I visualized getting my hair done. Later that same day, I recieved an invitation to a “Hair Color Event” at a local high end (thank you very much) salon and spa. When I went, I was quite nervous about going in to this obviously high brow salon. I told myself: There’s something amazing in there waiting for me. I took a deep breath and walked in. The result? There was something increidble. Not only did I get FREE hair color, manicure massage and makeup, the entire event was catered with beautiful food and drink. Also, just for good measure, I met an amazing woman, by the end of the evening, we felt like good friends. And we’ve developed a deep, warm friendship since then.
I felt the need for more female friends in my life. I put that desire to the universe… ( I call Her my Fairy GodMother).. and shortly after, I began meeting people in my neighborhood, online, through community activities. I’ve been flooded with wonderful new girlfriends. These women are such a blessing, and I’m thankful for them.
For a very very long time, I wanted to buy a certain kind of dog, a Jack Russel to be exact. Pure Bred dogs can be very expensive, and before I knew that money was not an object, that stopped me from pursuing this dream of mine. My neighbor and friend (one of the girlfriends mentioned above) bought her family a puppy. I went over to meet their dog and fell in love. When I came home, I went into my kitchen saw our local paper, and said, very distinctly, in my head, “There’s going to be a dog for me in here.” I opened the paper to the Pets for Sale section, and there they were. Puppies, half Jack Russel, half eskimo, for $25 each. I called immediately. Within 24 hours, we brought our new pup, Pippin, home. The REAL real punchline to this tale is my husband had had extremely severe allergies all his life, and he has NO reaction at all to our dog and cat. That in itself is amazing.
This past Christmas, I wanted a record player badly as my present. I told everyone in my family and friends that I wanted a record player under our tree. Due to some limiting thoughts, it didn’t manifest Christmas morning. BUT… three weeks later, my friend Beth called (new girlfriend again) and told me her parents are cleaning out their basement. Would I like to buy their record player from them for $30???? Can you imagine the joy I felt? Talk about squealing like a little girl!!
There are so, so many things that I can go into here, my sons grades and attitude improved, my daughter stopped gaining weight and wetting the bed, our youngest is sleeping through the night, our marriage is a dream only ONE YEAR after a very close call with divorce (even the.. um… intimate matters have improved incredibly), our brand new furniture, our social life, finding a guitar and vocal coach, finding a bass player for my band, getting our biggest tax refund to date, writing a book easliy for the first time ever, the home we manifested even before we knew about “The Secret”, even my daughter’s fantastic Girl Scout Cookie Sales. I can’t give enough thanks for all the amazing gifts we are constantly being given…. every single day.
Today, I had two incredible things happen, and I’d like to close with those. I’m teaching a class about manifesting your dreams and getting passionate about life at our local rec center this spring. (Of course, you gotta know I manifested my class using The Secret) My mother came up today to help me sort through notes, work through some activities so I could see how they’d work on a student. I was paging through my binder, and noticed a goal I had written down about 6 months ago. It said “Within One Year find an Improv Group” I had completely forgotten that I had written this. I always wanted to be a comedienne and recorded this goal with a “Wouldn’t it be nice?” attitude. I’ve been with the most amazing improv group for over a month now. I manifested it without even remembering I “ordered” it! It still came! My Ma just stared at me and we started giggling like mad women. We are so blessed!
Today was also the day we were getting our van inspected. We had taken it in and were given the estimate of $600 to get the work done for our “Big Blue Van” to pass inspection. When she was all fixed, I called my hubby on his cell. “How much is it?” he asked.
“They said it was close to the estimate,” I said.
“Hey, I forgot we have to make a pament today for (such and such),” he said, “it’s $70.”
“It’ll be taken care of,” I told him.
“I know. I love you,” hubby answered.
“Love you too, dolly,” I said.
I walked into our mechanic’s, and the bill was EXACTLY $530. That would be (let’s do the math) EXACTLY $70 less then we were told… which is EXACTLTY what we needed to make our payment on time.
I give so much thanks to the Universe for all the good things I’m receiving constantly!