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My Love Back.
Submitted by: Clara, 30 years old
France, LyonI love traveling, discovering new cultures, and speaking foreign languages.
Thank you so very much to the Universe, to Rhonda, and to all of you who helped me so much through your different stories. They helped me so much to not to give up when people all around me wanted me to take antidepressants or to simply give up. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Due to negativity and criticism from myself but also from my family, my beloved man left one day 2 months ago with no explanation. I was devastated and felt guilty because I realized I did not do my best despite my deep love for him. I attached myself to negativity instead of being grateful for what I had. But the pressure of my family and friends was so strong that it had become very difficult for me. After his leaving, I was devastated, very sad, and deeply depressed. My family was relieved and they did not understand my feelings.
Soon after, I decided to apply The Secret. I watched the film again. Then I read The Magic and became grateful even for small things. I made a list of all the qualities of my beloved man. Despite the fact that we were separated, we continued to exchange messages but it was not like before. He did not call me. I continued to change my thoughts and one month later he asked me if I would agree to spend some time during the summer with him. I thought it was a sign and I accepted his offer, despite the fact that I was lost and he was changed. But I decided to believe and to move positively forward.
Finally, we spent this period of time in July and we were happy. He told me two times that he was happy about my coming and he thanked me. He asked me to plan some days in autumn together somewhere. He even mentioned some projects to do together in the coming year.
I continue to apply The Secret and to believe with all my heart. I would like very much for him to commit more to a life together but due to different circumstances, he lost faith and hope in life.
I thought that when I started to apply The Secret to my situation that I would write my story. I wish for it to help you as your shared stories helped me a lot to not to feel alone during this journey of hope and change.
I continue to think and to work with the Universe for more happiness with this man. I will write again about the progress of my story. At the moment, I am happy to share this with you and to follow my intuition.
Thank you to the Divine Universe, thank you to Source.