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My Ex Came Back!
Submitted by: Kat
United KingdomA young libra woman.
First of all, I just want to say thank you to Rhonda and the team. Thank you, thank you, thank you because my life has changed since knowing The Secret.
I have used the law of attraction several times but today I will be sharing a very recent story.
My boyfriend and I have been together for just over two years now. It’s been three weeks since he and I had a major argument and broke up. I was really upset and told him I was done. I stopped all communication with him and he did the same with me.
After a week I realized how silly our argument had been. I realized that I overreacted and he was not in the wrong. I decided to reach out to him but he didn’t respond. I sent him an apology and told him that I would call him but he ignored all my messages and even switched off his phone when I tried to call. I was devastated and realized that this was really over and he didn’t want me anymore. Usually, he would contact me straight after an argument and we would talk and resolve things but this time he did not and it felt really final between us.
As all of this was happening, I was feeling so low and heartbroken but then I remembered The Secret and I recalled how it had helped me in so many other ways. I had read how so many people used it to get their love back. So I decided to try it. I focused on the positive things from our relationship and I visualized the two of us back together and happy, laughing, and joking together. I also visualized my phone ringing and his caller ID coming up on my screen. I would smile and be so grateful as if it had really happened.
However, another week went by and I heard nothing from him. Not a single thing. I grew scared, what if he had someone else, what if he had moved on? My heart was broken at the thought and I felt like a fool. Despite these feelings, I recalled that all the stories on the website about getting a lost love back talked about ‘letting go’. But it was so hard to let go because I wanted us back together so bad. But at this point, I felt like I should just give up because he had never gone this long without speaking to me. So I told the Universe, “I let go, I give up” and I truly let go because I was tired of being sad. I even started talking to another guy, someone who had been messaging me for some time but I never had an interest in before because I was committed. I also started working out more, meditating, doing daily gratitude lists, and dedicating more time to my family. I started doing puzzles and watching movies, doing quizzes, learning another language, doing anything else except thinking about me and my ex. Whenever he would come into my mind I would quickly think of other things.
Then a week later I got a response to the messages I had sent him. However, the message he sent did not address my apology or anything, he responded without really saying anything. It was just an emoji. I was happy to get a response from him because this meant he was thinking of me but the response was not quite what I wanted. Nevertheless, I gave thanks to the Universe and was truly grateful. But I decided not to say anything to him because I wanted more, so I didn’t respond and I continued to focus on myself.
A few days later and just over three weeks after our break up, he called me on the phone! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked at the phone. I was shocked. I couldn’t even pick it up straight away. I did pick up though and we spoke for quite some time. He was very calm as he always is and he told me he missed me, and that he was sorry that he did not communicate better and that he loves me and he is not going anywhere!
I am so filled with gratitude and I am so happy and grateful! I had to share my story straight away and I hope it helps someone else. Believe and then let it go, and truly let it go. The letting go is key.
I just want to say thank you so much to Rhonda Byrne and the whole team and a huge thank you to everyone who has shared their stories on this site because that is what helped me to believe and then to ‘let go’.
I am so very grateful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!