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My dreams are on the way shortly!
Submitted by: Neha CJ
InidaI am working a senior I.T consultant with a consulting firm. Very lately I have got wings to fly high on life and have dreams to touch the sky.
The Secret’ was introduced to me when I was undergoing the second round of test tube treatment. The first round failed due to negative thinking, doubtful attitude etc. I knew all the reasons somewhere in my subconscious but couldn’t realize it until my hubby and mom pointed it out.
I got introduced to The Secret’ just by mere law of attraction. For three days after my treatment wherever I went, I came across people who have read The Secret’ and would talk about it positively and also negatively. Such controversial views, forced me to read. I was so impressed by the book after reading a few pages, I decided to visit its website.
On the website I read such magical stories of people having real life experience of law of attraction that it changed my attitude towards life. Within few days I started asking the universe about everything I wanted in life and I am positive to get it and also have promised the almighty and the universe to pay back.
Though unknowingly, but I have experienced this law of attraction in my life and it has worked wonders. A few months back, my husband went to take an exam for becoming a ship captain. His colleagues and I were discussing how low the pass-rate was in these exams and everyone was pretty tense. Out of intuition I just said that I am pretty sure that my hubby will make it through this on the first attempt. ‘ I constantly kept on believing in it in spite of so many of his brainy and intelligent friends failing the exams.
The day of the examination had arrived. I prayed to the almighty and the universe but never had a doubt about getting a positive result. While I was constantly praying I got a call from my hubby. The way he said hello’ I just knew it. He had passed on the very first attempt with the grace of the almighty and the universe. I went to the temple, thanked god and returned it to the universe the way I had thought of returning.
My hubby told me baby I passed because of your positive attitude and your undying trust to make it happen, sometimes I doubted my capabilities, but you were absolutely confident.’
Coming back to the start, tomorrow I have a blood test in which I will come to know if my second round of test tube baby treatment is positive or not. Just because of The Secret’ today I am sure that it’s going to be positive and my hubby and I have dreams of becoming parents of two healthy babies.
The Secret’ has made me learn not to doubt the capabilities of the almighty and the universe and just to proclaim it to the universe and pray to the almighty and not ask questions like how and when’. I am posting this article one day before the test because I know The Secret is about being confident and that nothing can stop me from having what I have dreamt of and prayed for with innocent intentions.
Last but not the least: Thank you so much Rhonda for The Secret.’ In fact these words are not enough to express my gratitude to you. The only thing I can say to all the people who have posted here is: Love you!