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My dream/ideal guy is real!
Submitted by: Analy
Santa Ana, CAI'm a college freshman, who saw the secret movie three days ago.
Two years ago, I sat down to right in my journal my ideal best friend. I went into intricate details about how I wished that friend or lover would be like. During those two years I went out with two men, but I kept on finding that I still had a vision of that perfect someone in my head, and I would continually, visualize him and his characteristics, and how I would be at peace and happiness to find my prince charming. The relationships with those two men ended, which at the time I was disheartened to lose, but then realized the gratefulness I should feel for them for impacting my life and helping me grow spiritually and emotionally, an understanding and realization that came to me in the last two months. I became so utterly grateful for just being me, a treasured feeling I had been longing for. Then as if by magic two weeks ago, I met a guy, who I instantly fell attraction for at first glance, all located in a romantic public setting where there was a live harmonica player playing in the backround, dim lights, and I was holding my warm tea, on that cool night. Everything was absolutely magical, the way I had visualized it to be, and the guy had all, and I mean, all of the characteristics I had written down two years ago on my journal. It was moment of shock, and it was all due to subconsciously and consciously seeing myself with the man of my dreams for the past two years, over and over again with unwaivering faith that I would find him. I’m so so thankful I had chosen to stop and write down exactly what it was that I wanted in a guy. It was unbelievable, but I am now, more than ever, a definate believer of The SECRET.