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My dream girl
Submitted by: Adriane Ong
Malaysia,KLVery positive young man. Always pursuing his dreams in style. Thank you Universe with great gratitude.
Last year, so happened that I’ve no idea about the Law of Attraction. I’ve been in terrible relationships. My mom gave me a book related to Law of Attraction, but it is not The Secret. I began reading & started believing for a moment. In fact, I even wrote a list about my dream girl. I was impatient at that time, so I gave up and never touched the book again.
Exactly 1 year after I broke up with my ex, this year, 2010, I met this girl. She was a very decent girl recommended by a friend of mine. I had a strong feeling. We have been dating for a few weeks and then she left to Europe for her studies. But we are still keeping in touch. I was kinda down at that time because the time we had was the best time in my life.
Something came into my mind indicating me to read The Secret. I began with The Secret video disc and then I read the book. I was really impressed and regretted not reading the book earlier.
After 2 weeks, I had a fantastic conversation with my girlfriend. The list that I’d written over a year ago just came through my mind, and it also reminded me of LOA. I began referring to those words I’d written. After going through the words I’d written I wanted to cry. Finally I’d met my dream girl. I have to admit that what I asked for was actually around me.
I am focusing and applying The Secret. I’m also a strong believer indeed. My next wish is to win a 50,000 lotto and then I can treat my dream girl for a wonderful dinner.
To all the readers, if I can do that, you can do it too. Be patient and always have faith in The Secret.
Ask, Answer, and Receive + feel good.
Thank you Universe. I’m so grateful that I’ve meet my dream girl and also to know The Great Secret. Thank YOU.