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Miraculous Manifestation!
Submitted by: Manifestor
IndiaA very positive person. Teaching positivity to people around me. On a mission to be the biggest manifestor of Life.
For last 3 years I have been practising positivity and law of attraction and have seen a lot of changes in my life. My life drastically changed after reading The Secret books and watching the movie. I have read many books and did a good amount of research on the law of attraction. I thank Joseph Murphy for his enlightening knowledge in The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind and the other books. And also Rhonda Byrne for her valuable knowledge from The Secret series and Toria Taraldsen. I’m very thankful to you. May God give you all that you desire. Bless heal and inspire.
Beginning my story, I wanted to do my Masters but being from a society that has a lot of restrictions, I had to struggle to get over them to do it. My parents denied sending me abroad for a Masters. But I made a wish list. I jotted down all the places I wanted to visit in the country and started thanking everyone I met. Gratitude became my way of life. I was in a very positive state knowing that I am going for my Masters.
My birthday was approaching and I had fed my mind that on this birthday, my dad will himself tell me to apply for my Masters. I had recited a few words that he would tell me and the exact same thing happened! He called me up in the night and said that I could go! This was one of the great miracles I had. I hadn’t pursued him in any way and it happened. I am so thankful to the Universe.
Ask, Believe and Receive. The LOA really works. Have faith. Keep thinking positive and change your life. Miracles do happen. Thank you all for reading my story. I hope you are blessed with everything you desire.