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Miracles At University!
Submitted by: Vaishnavi Shah
Toronto, OntarioCreating positivity in and around me, for the best of life :)
First off, thank you to the universe for giving me such a blessed life with a loving family and friends, education and luxury. Much thanks to Rhonda Byrne for writing the book and helping many lives take beautiful shape.
Ever since school has ended and university started, I missed my life as a child, my family and my friends whom I would spend most of my days with.
I fell into depression, and started hating my life. I would cry every single night, sometimes for no reason. Tears would flow endlessly, and I had no hope. My troubles seemed endless. Depression, worrying too much and I had no idea why everything negative would always follow me. I had failed my math course, and I had no clue what to do.
Then, I started reading The Secret and I wrote down things I am thankful for and things I would like to take place in my life. I imagined being in the prof’s office and asking for extra marks! Profs never, ever give free marks away! But in all nervousness and excitement from The Secret, I went in to the profs office asking him to pass me!
I was so happy! I made a promise to myself from then on that I will only be positive, think positive and think and feel things which I want to happen! Nothing negative!
And since then I have been having awesome days!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to the universe for these gifts!
I am on my beautiful journey to change my life for the best.