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Miracles Are Real!
Submitted by: Aygun Cavid
AzerbaijanHappy and lucky girl.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am extremely happy and I am grateful to The Secret! I do not even know where to start. I am a young girl who always believed in magic and faith.
This year I attracted an amazing husband and I passed all my exams at university. The Secret of all success is to “act as if” you already have it. When you do then what you want will magically come into your life. Believe me, guys!
One little story I want to tell you about. I had an exam at uni and I did not get a high enough score. I was upset when I found out about it but after a couple of hours, I decided to think positively and just be happy. The next week the second exam’s results were revealed and boom! I passed it with good grades! So, believe, believe, believe!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!