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Minutes to Money and Love
Submitted by: Summer
Cincinnati, OHI'm loving life as a young single woman with a great job, friends, and family!
I’ve been using the Law of Attraction principles for a few months now. Two of the pieces of advice that really stuck with me was acting as though you’ve already received, and not worrying about HOW it was going to happen.
At first, it just seemed childish to daydream about people and things I wanted. I mean, it’s almost embarrassing to be in my 30s dreaming about kissing the person I want, and trying to “feel the feelings” of already having the money I desired etc. But I have to say, those few moments of embarrassment or doubt are nothing in comparison to the abundance I now have in my life.
With money, my mind has only recently opened to the idea of “big money.” I’m expecting a check for $30,000.00 from a sweepstakes I entered. The drawing is in a few weeks so I came to the site today to inspire myself and keep believing that I’ll win the 30 grand.
Small amounts of money, however, have been no problem! I had an unexpected bill and it took all of my spending money from me. I was thankful that all the bills were paid, there was food in the fridge, and gas in the car, but I also worried that people would notice my financial issue if I couldn’t hang out and be social. I thought to myself that I had too many money problems to be concerned about going out with the girls for the weekend. I thought to myself, ‘Grow up! You don’t need to go hang out all the time. Just be happy that bill is taken care of and be more careful with your money in the future.’
Recognizing this negative thought, I instantly changed it and said to myself that I was going to have a blast on the weekend and money would just find me. Minutes later, and I mean literally minutes after that thought, our admin came over and handed me an envelope. She said that inside was a gift from a Manager who thought I did a great job with a project weeks earlier. I ended up with a $100.00 gift check and two gift certificates to the movie theater!
For love, I’ve never been happier! I was actually trying to push away a feeling of love I had for a platonic friend because I didn’t think this person liked me back. I’d given up on romance with them, so I feigned positivity by saying to myself that we’d always be good friends. Well, my heart wasn’t in that statement and I decided to just get honest! So I edited my mantra and said, ‘I really want more from this relationship, but will be happy if it’s not what’s right for me and we don’t work out.’ A week later we were alone and started to kiss seemingly out of nowhere! It was wonderful. For the last 6 weeks we can’t stop commenting on how easy and happy our relationship is. They confessed that they really did have feelings for me and I’ve never been so spoiled and at peace in a relationship with someone. 🙂