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Meeting Reverend Michael Beckwith
Submitted by: Kate S.
Los Angeles, CA20 years old and studying Art History at UCLA.
A year or two ago, I was sitting in the living room of my house on a sunny afternoon with a notebook and pencil in my hand. I had started watching The Secret with hopes that jotting down some notes and applying their meanings to my life, I would be able to feel inspired and awakened.
The quote that stuck in my head the most was when reverend Michael Beckwith said “The universe will correspond to the nature of your song.”
In my head I could imagine everything working itself into my existence, everything I could ever hope or dream for falling into place. I was deeply inspired by the beauty of these words and I began looking for more inspiration by reverend Beckwith. As I listened to some of his talks, the inspiration blossomed into the hope that some day I would be able to meet him and hear him speak in person.
Since my first exposure to The Secret and watching it many times, I’ve used it in different ways to attract things and learn more about myself and my life. With the start of a new year this 2014, instead of setting a bunch of new years resolutions to attract, I hoped this year I would learn to become the best version of myself. I would do this by loving myself and others unconditionally. This is the first step, I thought. To become the best version of myself, I need to learn how to love myself, but where do I begin?
I’ve started to try and find comfort in doing things alone and not relying on other people to help me feel that comfort. I’ve done weekly trips to the beach which has helped me understand myself a little better and figure out who I am. As I was shopping through Barnes and Noble near the beach, I noticed a sign inside that just jumped out at me because of a recognizable name. “Discussion with Kuwana Haulsey and Dr. Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith” it said. I immediately bookmarked the date in my head to return to the discussion in a few days in hopes that I would be able to meet them.
Today is that day. I headed back to Santa Monica to the discussion with Kuwana and Reverend Beckwith and I was so overcome with every emotion when I stepped into that discussion room in the back of Barnes and Noble. There they were sitting in front of a group of people, while Kuwana shared beautiful stories from her book, Reverend Beckwith responded to questions with his inspirational knowledge. After the discussion ended, I nervously yet graciously went up to meet Kuwana to ask her to sign her book. Then, I waited just a minute with so much gratitude as I introduced myself to Reverend Michael Beckwith and he also signed the book.
I couldn’t even believe it, seeing him leaned over the table signing my book, it was so exciting! All of a sudden the memory of me sitting with my notebook in my living room watching him talk on The Secret flooded back to me. I could almost feel the tears building up in my eyes as I thanked him and her, and just as I was leaving the room, he called out my name.
I turned around and he handed me a CD for the Agape International Spiritual Center which promotes the evolution of the planet through unconditional love. After he handed it to me and told me a little about it, I couldn’t even believe what was happening. I was attracting all of this. He had handed me that CD as a doorway on my path to love unconditionally.
It is just so amazing that THIS is what I want, this is what I’ve been wanting to attract and he was the one to call after me just as I was leaving so he could introduce it to me.
I felt such an overwhelming understanding of The Secret as I road the bus back home and read what they had written to me with their signatures in Kuwana’s book. Reverend Beckwith’s words “The universe will correspond to the nature of your song” are singing to me at this very moment as I feel the gratitude for attracting the opportunity to learn how to love myself and others unconditionally through their inspiration.
Thank you so much to Rhonda Byrne and her team for introducing The Secret to me and thank you Kuwana and Dr. Beckwith for the loving opportunity I was given tonight that will change my life forever.