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Manifesting The Love Of My Life Back.
Submitted by: Ge
LiverpoolI am a university student studying midwifery.
So during the past year, me and my partner have really struggled and have been back and forth with one another on our relationship!
We had recently split up and cut contact with one another for two months, and I can not lie but it has upset me. But I know I am supposed to be with him and I have got every bit of faith in the Universe. So this is what has happened so far:
Over the past 2 weeks I asked the Universe to give me a sign that he was going to come back into my life when the time is right. I asked to either let me see him drive past me or let me see the exact same work van he drives, the same the make and model.
The first time I saw the exact same van with the same first 4 numbers on the registration as his, and I also saw him drive past me 3 days later. There has also been other little signs I have asked for that reminds me of him and I have received them all!!!!
Please ask and you will receive. You have to believe it and I promise it will happen.
At this moment in time I am still expecting him to come back to me 100%. So I will give a brief update when that happens. I am so excited for him to come and sweep me off my feet again, and seeing these little signs I asked for truly has made me feel extra positive!
Thank you so much, Universe!!!!!