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Manifesting Something Even Better!
Submitted by: Bel
New ZealandMum of three.
My husband and I were looking for a holiday house in a seaside location and saw our little dream cottage for a very cheap price, but when I rang the agent they said, I am so sorry, an investor bought it only two hours after it was listed.
We were both upset. It looked perfect on the Internet and we had not even had the chance to view it. The only problem with it was that it was on the flat and I wanted to be on a hill away from any chance of problems from a tsunami and rising sea problems and it did not have a sea view. However I sat down at dinner one night and showed my three children and husband pictures of this house and told them to imagine Mum hanging the washing on the line and playing in the garden. I told my husband to imagine himself doing his crossword in an exact position in the lounge. I got family friends to do the same and imagine they were on holiday with us there. I felt the amazing feeling of excitement and joy in my chest for a week, every time I thought of that house. My husband did not believe in these things but I told him we would get the house if we did this. I have manifested so many things since reading The Secret that it is crazy, from very small things to very large things. Sometimes the small things are harder to manifest for some reason! Larger things can be much easier!
With manifestation you need to take action to make it work, so I emailed the agent and said if it fell through we would be keen to buy it. Well it didn’t fall through and two months passed but I never lost hope. Then my husband kept seeing the house for rent. No one wanted to rent it. He sent an email to the agent who was renting it and it was a different agent. They said that the owner may consider an offer if it was worth their while as they were tired of not getting any rent from it. We went to the seaside town to view this cottage and while we were there we decided to view five other properties. On the way there the agent texted us and said the person had changed their mind and did not want to sell the cottage. However she said we could view the house at 1 pm to see what we thought of it. Before this though we had viewed the five other houses and one stood out. It was on the hill with a very small sea view and had a lot of space for our whole extended family. We then viewed the small cottage and it was much smaller than on the internet than in real life, and it needed a lot of maintenance and was not quite right.
I was relieved we had not bought it but was a little sad that we had not manifested it. This was the first time it had not worked out for me. We put an offer on the other house on the hill two days later. Then today we had an email. The house we had wanted to manifest was offered to us for almost the same price as the house on the hill. We could have just walked in and bought it! I said to my husband, “I told you we would get that house, no matter how impossible it seemed,” but in this case we had manifested something even better with a sea view!