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Manifesting My Twin Baby Boys.
Submitted by: Pooja M
Pune, IndiaPooja, I am a practising chartered accountant and mom of twin boys.
Hello everyone, I am Pooja from Pune India. I would like to share the story of my conceiving my twin baby boys.
We were trying to conceive a baby in 2019, however, in 2019 I was diagnosed with UTI. For a few months, I was struggling with the medication I was taking for the UTI. Then again in 2020, we started to try again to conceive a baby but we had no results after a year of trying.
In May I had written using The Secret Super App about getting pregnant and conceiving twins. In the latter half of 2021, I got myself checked in terms of fertility, and I was informed that my ovaries had a problem that they likely had for a long time, and due to that, I was not able to conceive.
The doctor asked me to have laparoscopy surgery for it, which I did in October 2021. After that, for a couple of months, I had irregular periods and hence was unable to conceive. I was taking medication up till May 2022, and I was spreading positivity everywhere and felt gratitude for the Universe.
On June 6, 2022, my pregnancy test came back positive! After an ultrasound scan I was informed that I was pregnant with twins, my happiness knew no bounds. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was amazing because I had posted and visualized that I would have twin baby boys!
My delivery was scheduled for Jan 2023, however, due to complications, my baby boys were delivered on Dec 22, 2022.
I am so thankful to Rhonda and her team for making The Secret known to all and helping people achieve their dreams.
Spreading gratitude and happiness everywhere.