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Manifested The Perfect Job!
Submitted by: Jeannelle
CanadaI am 19 years old and I am an aspiring yoga teacher, public speaker, and I love connecting with people or animals, haha. I love to travel, laugh, and I am also very interested in personal development. I hope my story motivates and helps you. xx
After getting home from travelling 6 months ago, I went back to the job I was working at for the past year. As I sat at my desk, something told me it just was not right for me anymore. I ending up quitting my sales job and applying to places every day, but I never really found what I wanted.
6 months had past and I had worked in 1 other sales job and also as an administrative assistant at a real estate company. Though it may sound good to some, I absolutely dreaded going into work every day for both jobs. I was getting so tired, sick, and stressed because it just was not want I truly wanted.
I ended up creating a dream board with designs I loved. My favourite car, the amount of money I would like to make each month and even the logo of the company I dreamed of working at. I had applied on line 2 months ago to this company but did not receive a response. I put the dream board up on my wall and looked at it every time I came in and out of the room.
Days went by and I began to get frustrated that nothing I wanted on my dream board was showing up in my life yet. I was impatient and my mind was thinking negatively without me knowing it. I started to believe that the LOA was not real and that “The Secret” only worked for people who were lucky.
I came to a breaking point and quit the real estate job 3 weeks ago. Right after I quit, I was overwhelmed with relief and peace. And believe it or not, the next morning I got an email from the company I put on my dream board! I was so excited to be called in for an interview. Everything was going great. After my interview, I knew I had to practice more LOA techniques.
I waited for about 2 weeks to get a call back, but nothing came. Two days ago, I started writing every single thing I was grateful for, whether it was a hot shower or just a nice cup of tea and I listened to “The Power” audio book. I then realized I was doing something wrong. The Universe was doing everything I wanted it to do but I just was resisting! So I told the Universe, “Universe, you know what I want! So I will let you do the work!” And I let it go.
And believe it or not, the next morning I got a call at 11:11 PM from the recruitment manager from the company. I got offered the job of my dreams! I am still buzzing with energy and can not believe what an impact being positive and letting go has on our mind and our life.
I will continue to practice my gratitude every day and I can not thank Rhonda enough for introducing me to the LOA. We are all capable of living the life we want to live! Love and Light to you all!