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Manifested A White Dove.
Submitted by: Aparna
IndiaKind-hearted girl, follower of The Secret.
First of all, I would like to thank all the people who share their stories here to inspire others. I have been following The Secret for 7 months and it really changed my life from a zero to a ten.
My aim is to become a Cardiologist. As I am preparing for a competitive exam, I just wanted to check to see if I was going on the right journey. So I just asked the Universe to show me a sign. I asked the Universe to show me 2 white doves as a sign.
I am sure the Universe heard me and I am on the right path because I just saw a white dove this morning at 7 am! I was really flying in the world when I saw it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am grateful to Rhondda Byrne mam and her team of The Secret. Last but not least, always ‘FLY’, First Love Yourself! Let all of your dreams come into reality. It is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Thanks a million.