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Manifested A Promotion With Exact Hike.
Submitted by: Nam
IndiaAmbitious girl receiving abundance in her life.
Thank you to everyone who discovered The Secret and also to everyone who writes their stories here. It is motivating to keep going on this beautiful journey!
Two years back, I manifested getting a job in my dream company. Two months after I joined, I created a vision board and started manifesting my promotion, writing an income amount that I would like to have after a promotion. This year, exactly two years after I had first started working in the organization, I got promoted and received the exact same amount I had put on my vision board as my promotional income. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Can you believe that? Wow! Thank you so very much to the Universe for always making me believe in your magic and for giving me the things I desire at the right time. Thank you so much!
I am so excited for the future because I know, just like before, I am going to manifest a beautiful life day by day. Thank you, Universe. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!