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Magnificent Power Of Blessing
Submitted by: Dhwani
I am writing to share my little experience during my Magic Practice that brought so much happiness to me.
I was on Day 24, The Magic Wand Practice. The Practice asked to choose people around you who might be in some kind of a situation and need a solution or anybody you want to bless. When I read this, immediately I remembered two of my friends, one of them was going through some kind of professional crisis and the other one is the person who I appreciate and adore for being my strongest motivator, although this person is not aware of it.
I wholeheartedly blessed these two people and strongly wished them happiness, abundance and success in their lives, and also prayed for the universe to solve all the problems in their lives and bless them with a relaxed life. After I prayed for them, I strongly kept believing that what I wished and blessed has already come into being.
The very next day, the second one among the two people I blessed, came to me. The person looked very happy and told me that for a real long time he was stuck in some official process which got moved further and he got the desired result that day.
When I heard this, I was totally mesmerized because I did not even have a slightest hint of his problem and just the earlier night I blessed and prayed for this person and the next day he got what he wanted. It is very hard to explain what I felt at that moment. I was in a state of shock yet my faith on this loving and kind universe was unwavering. First thing I did after the person left is to thank and express my gratitude to the universe for manifesting it’s power and also for bringing happiness into my friend’s life.
Exactly two days later the friend who was going through a professional crisis told me that the situation is resolved and the things are going exactly as she wanted them to be and that she is so relieved and happy. The moment I heard this I was so happy because universe responded to my prayers and helped my friend. Again, right after I heard this good news, I wholeheartedly thanked the universe countless times.
That day when I went home and thought about the whole Magic Wand Practice and the news my friends shared with me, I noticed one thing. Right after I performed the Magical Practice, I suddenly felt so happy and uplifted from inside and I experienced the exact same feeling when I heard the good news from the two of my friends.
That moment for the first time in my life I realized the importance and power of giving and how blissful it feels when you are happy for others. I have heard this statement countless times from my mom “You can be happy in a real sense only if the people around you are happy”. This Magical Wand Practice was an eye opener and for the first time I understood in real sense what my mom always said. I thanked my mom for giving me this valuable lesson from the very beginning and also I thanked Rhonda for making me understand and feel this learning.
Thank you so much Rhonda. It is all because of The Magic Practice that I am progressing through it, every day. I realized and actually understood each good thought and learning I got from my parents, the ones I read in holy scriptures and the ones that were always given and said by some of the great people.