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That Magical Thing Called Love.
Submitted by: Sara Naomi
Norway21 year old girl living the life of her dreams in Oslo.
For the past month my wonderful boyfriend of 2.5 years and I had hit quite a rough spot. He suddenly felt that he’d had enough because of one huge disagreement and wanted to end the whole relationship. This was a month before we were supposed to move in together. We made an agreement to try and see how he felt after some weeks. He was quite negative about the whole thing and felt that there was no way out of him feeling the way he did. I was quite shocked but bumps in the roads appear and those are the ones that make relationships stronger.
Even in this seemingly tough situation I always visualized and felt that nothing had changed and that we’d move in together as planned. I felt so strongly that this was only going to make our bond stronger. I did not try to convince him, as that is a sign of not having. I simply acted as if we were already there. In the 6 weeks that followed I did fun things with my friends, gave out love to everyone I knew and meditated on things and people I felt thankful for. I started packing and arranging everything as if I was moving in with him. I even spoke to my family and friends about it as if the moving in together thing was still happening.
After around 5 weeks of my boyfriend acting distant and cold he suddenly started reaching out and giving love back. It was no surprise to me because the whole time I’d been living my life in the same pace as always. I was truly believing that our love would overcome this test.
Long story short we now happily live together, having an even stronger bond than before.
I’ve known The Secret since I was 15, and it has really helped me manifest things into reality. I am so thankful for this knowledge and power. I am always trying my best to preach the LOA to the world and making people aware of their infinite power. Moral of the story; no matter how dark and impossible a situation seems, your perspective and thoughts about the situation is all that matters. If you really believe, visualize and feel it, you will see it in your hands.
Wishing you a life filled with eternal magic. Thank you!