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Magical Life. 913
Submitted by: Anonymous
Abuja, Nigeria21 years young, Christian and absolutely grateful to Jesus for making me come across The Secret, The Magic and The Power.
I practiced the law of attraction for a while years ago but soon forgot all about it because I’m kind of a privileged kid. I didn’t use to struggle much for things, especially material things. So I wasn’t motivated to ask the Universe for much since I already had most of what I wanted.
My main experience with the law of attraction started about a week ago. Now, remember that I wasn’t motivated to use the LOA because I had almost everything I needed? Well, I moved out of my home to a new and far away city. I wasn’t particularly needy but you all know how it is to be on your own for the first time in your life, new to paying bills, going to work, taking care of yourself, basically being an adult. I had absolutely no friends so I was lonely most times. Adjusting to my new life wasn’t easy at all. I started having money issues for the first time ever, and to crown it all, the love of my life left me. I was depressed for months even before he left, it was so bad that I stopped eating. Prior to this time, nothing had ever affected my appetite, not even sickness could make me not eat. I was needing drugs or alcohol to sleep. I did all the wrong things to get my ex back like beg, cry, sending text upon text, and feeling miserable, all to no avail, in fact, it kept getting worse. I couldn’t imagine losing him in the midst of everything that was wrong at that time. It was the downward movement of my life that pushed me to search for answers. Sometimes you need to experience setbacks in life to learn certain important lessons.
I told the Universe that I wanted to watch The Secret video again and miraculously I watched it again. Then one day I typed “How to get your ex back using the LOA” on Google and it took me to The Secret website where I read stories of other women that manifested their ex’s back using gratitude and the LOA. It was also on the website that I saw that Rhonda had two more books I had never heard of before, so I got the books.
It has just been 8 days since I started applying The Magic to my life, and boy! It’s been amazing how my life has turned around in such a short time. I went on that site and got the books just to get my ex back but it opened my eyes to see that there’s a lot more to life and myself than waiting for a man to fall in love with me. I thought all I needed to be happy was getting my ex back but I see now that I need me to be happy and whether he comes back or not, my life will be amazing.
I started using my gratitude to turn other aspects of my life around and for the first time since I started staying on my own, I have so much money because the money came from two unexpected places recently. I was so grateful, I blessed all my relationships and gave thanks for my friends and like magic, I started meeting new people and started getting invites to go out, no more loneliness. I wrote in my gratitude journal that I wanted a very close friend, who is handsome, from a good home and has a car among other things and gave thanks to God for my new best friend. Then the next day, he walked up to me at a party, just the way I had asked the Universe for.
As for my ex, I asked the Universe specifically if I should wait for him or move on because I was ready to manifest another guy into my life. As a result, I requested to see a man wearing a blood red shirt if the Universe wanted me to wait and if the Universe didn’t want me to wait I’ll see a woman wearing a lemon green blouse. On my way back from work that same evening, I saw a man wearing a blood red shirt. So the Universe did want me to be with my ex. Again, I asked the Universe to show me someone holding flowers if he would come back into my life without my interference. On Instagram yesterday, I stumbled on a video of a woman holding a bunch of roses given to her by her husband. I cried. The Universe has my back on that front, so I am in no way bothered. I’ve let that go and I know my ex will come back to me just like the Universe assured me.
I am a lot happier, healthier and more fulfilled than I’ve ever been. My life is magical. You guys, it works! This is just 8 days of intense gratitude so imagine what can happen if I do this all my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The next story I’ll be posting here will be about how my ex came back because I have fixed our wedding date in my mind. Thank you, Rhonda, for gifting the world with this knowledge. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Also to everyone that posts their stories, God bless you. I come here to read stories whenever I feel my faith is dwindling and I get recharged instantly.