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Magical Health.
Submitted by: Magician
New Delhi, IndiaI'm 21 years old and I'm happy!
Three days ago my mom started getting a cold. Ever since my childhood, every time someone in my family would get a cold, I would get one too. But after reading The Magic, this time I decided that I would not let this happen again.
I started saying thank you for my miraculous health as taught in The Magic. For 3 days I would meditate for 3 minutes. I visualized a white light in my throat and in my nasal area. I said thank you many times and I really felt grateful for my miraculous health.
And guess what?! I am all good! This is the first time ever that someone had cold at home in my family and I did not catch it!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Universe is amazing. Thank you for reading my story.