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Losing Weight
Submitted by: tanishqka
pune,indiaI am a sweet girl and I want to enjoy my life and I know with the help of The Secret I will have everything I dream of.
I am really very grateful that I got a chance to share my story with all the people across world.
I was a girl with a healthy build and everyone I met in my entire life made fun of me for being fatso. Even my parents went against me. Everyone in my entire family kept on teasing me for being overweight. I desperately wanted to lose weight.
One day my friend told me about The Secret book. First I did not believe in it. I thought it might be some kind of crap and I did not pay any attention towards it.
Still I wanted to lose weight. I worked very hard for losing weight. Every morning I did jogging for 45 mins and in the evening I did aerobics for 1 hour. I continued my routine for 2 months and I did not loose any weight.
Then I thought about The Secret and read many stories about LOA on the internet and I decided to give it a chance.
Daily when I woke up early in the morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and said “I am thin and I have a perfect figure”. I really did not like doing exercise in the morning but after believing in The Secret I just loved doing exercise and I really got control over my weight.
And today I just love doing exercise, it makes me feel great and happy. I lost 15kg without wasting a penny on a gym or on a diet. I eat normal food but still I know what to eat and when to eat because I believed in The Secret.
My weight was 68kg and now it is 53kg and I really do have the perfect figure. Today when I look into the mirror I can’t believe it myself, but I love myself a lot!
I just want to thank the universe for giving me what I always wanted and thank you Rhonda Byrne. I just love you, you have really changed my life FROM HELL to HEAVEN.