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LOA Test.
Submitted by: Cruz
TexasI’ve been practicing LOA for some years, on and off. I heard about it in my teens because of The Secret book and I recently decided to restart my journey to success!
I had been practicing LOA on and off. I recently got back to it because I am trying to manifest a specific person to contact me. I had done it before so I wanted to do it again. I was a bit obsessed with it, so as we all know, that isn’t being in the receiving mode. Anyway, I decided to distract myself from that by completing LOA tests every week. I started by selecting a specific color car I would like to see, a color that isn’t seen on the streets that often. I started with green, then went to orange, and another week chose purple. At the beginning of each week, I would state my intention and by the end of the week, I was seeing those colored cars everywhere!
Once I saw I was getting really good, I decided that I wanted a sign from the Universe to let me know that I am close to my manifestation. I asked to see a pink colored semi-truck. For about a week or two I did not see a thing and I was shocked considering I had done so well with the others. Then suddenly one day, I was driving and I saw a pink car! I was so shocked and so happy. It wasn’t what I asked for exactly but I decided maybe that was my sign anyway. Then a week after that I saw a pink truck! Then I decided again that maybe this is my sign since it’s the closest to the semi. Then I thought maybe asking for a pink semi-truck would be too much so I settled that the pink car and truck had been enough to let me know it was on its way.
Then the following day I saw my pink semi truck!!! I was so shocked my eyes literally started tearing up! That was when I knew that my manifestation is definitely on its way to me! So I am so excited to come back here and write another success story! If you need help raising your vibration, I would suggest playing these games. It just lifts your mood when you see all the things you’re able to attract. Good luck!!!