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Listen to music so you can visualize better
Submitted by: Pascu Claudiu
RomaniaI am a 17 year old boy from Romania who has a very big dream and hoping to achieve it.
What I’m gonna say to you all is not a story, but a way to visualize what you desire. Every night before going to bed take your mp3 player, phone, ipod, or whatever music player you have and play a song that you like, then go to bed and close your eyes and listen to the song carefully. Then think and visualize about all the things that make you happy, all the things that you want. It will make you feel better and therefore you will attract happiness and the things you visualize.
I always listen to a slow song, imagining myself with the things that I want in my hand and in my possession. I hope this will help you guys out there as much as it helps me.
Cheers 😀