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Life Changes
Submitted by: Diane K
Tulsa, OKHomemaker
I grew up in a poor but loving family who showed me how to care for myself and others. My parents both came from large hard working families who took off them if any needed a place to stay or eat. Being the youngest sibling of girls in our family, I saw and heard more and learned more from my parents and family about moral rights and wrongs. But also, becoming a mother at 17 years I got to see how it was being a mother, and what I had been taught by them. I am still married to the same man of 42 years who never changed once in the marriage or tried to.
Our oldest daughter told me about “The Secret” about 4 years ago, and I bought it one year ago. I am the caretaker for many, including friends, and my Mother, who passed away two years ago, and the book has given me daily support and guidance. It has also made me take a long look at family and friends that before used me for whatever their needs were, and mine were never taken into consideration. But my Mom was always my strongest supporter and best friend during these years, standing up for me, and I realize that she taught me to be positive regardless of negative people.
Diane K in Oklahoma!