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Keep Going And Trust The Process.
Submitted by: Maria
North EnglandCurrently living my dream life and this is only the start. The world is my oyster.
Let me start by saying I am the most impatient person you will ever meet and have Italian blood so also a quick temper. I read this book on a flight overseas during a young life crisis! I had read a few pages in 2018 and couldn’t really get into it, then came back to it a few months later and became obsessed. Since I prefer to read rather than to watch the film, I read The Secret in about 2 days. You have to really take in the words from the book even though it seems crazy. Whenever I had bad days or felt like my life wasn’t really going anywhere, I would grab the book, open it to any chapter, and read a few pages each night.
My goal was to reach £50,000 of additional income by 2019. It was hard and I became very frustrated when things weren’t going my way. In hindsight, that probably delayed all of this amazingness. I worked for companies and was successful but I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I always wanted the best, to be able to buy whatever I wanted, to be happy, to support my family or anyone that needed it, to not have to answer to anyone, or be in a dead-end job. I just wanted to be a boss woman and eventually become a millionaire. I am healthy and have suffered loss and grief which is terrible but I pushed on.
Now I am happy to say 2 years later that I have signed my first major deal for one of the four companies I now own! Not quite the 50k I was hoping for but roughly half a million pounds!! Also, I now generate income every day from my other 3 businesses that I manifested and I have not generated a loss since the day I opened them.
Sometimes I still can’t quite come to terms with how this has all happened and I still can’t believe what the Universe sent me. However, I never gave up, I knew it was coming, and I can relax more as I know a lot more is coming my way. I now know that I can’t force it, I have to trust the process. If it doesn’t happen as quickly as you want it to, do not give up. Do not pressure yourself, keep reading your book, and keep applying The Secret. Every day I wake up and think about my little red book almost like a bible!
I am beyond grateful and blessed. This book has changed my life. You can be anything you want to be, you can achieve anything, the only person stopping you, is you.