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Just Believe Anything Is Possible.
Submitted by: mvillarreal1999
Victoria, Texas34, married with 5 kids. Finished the RN program this year.
Two days ago I went to take the biggest test of my life. For our program you can have from 75 questions to 265. I was a nervous wreck after I passed 75 questions. My friends computer stopped at 77 and she failed. I looked up at my screen and now I was at 150. My test asked if I needed a break and I said no. I continued on to more priority questions with more selecting to all that apply. Afterwards my mind started thinking the worst, that I must have done so bad. I tried to make myself stop that.
Well today I checked my score and remembered The Secret again just like the day before when I just envisioned that I passed. I kept thanking God that I passed. And I did pass!!! I’m so happy!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you because I passed my NCLEX and I am Michelle, RN!!!