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It’s MAGIC!!
Submitted by: Rija Mathew
indiaI had read Secret some time back. But it was only recently that I started using it in my life. And my major inspiration to do so were the stories I read here.
But ever since I started putting the Secret to use, I have been amazed by it. Yesterday I attracted two books I had wanted to read for some time now. But the amazing part was that my father stopped near the book stall on our way to church, and I hadn’t even suggested it.
Then today a ‘spider’ listened to me. I was sitting in my father’s room when I saw this huge arachnoid. Usually I am afraid of all bugs and such, but then I was in a really grateful and happy mood. So I blessed it and asked it to escape through a hole nearby before someone else killed it. Guess what, it did!!
I had always wanted to publish my own book. Recently I had entered a poetry competition. A few days back while I was talking to my friend, she asked me to google my name. And when I did, voila! my poems came up. I was so amazed. I feel like it is the first step to publishing my own book. I guess I attracted that particular poetry competition to me.
And the best part – I feel amazing. I am now moving on to attracting greater things. I plan to attract “THE POWER” soon.
Thanks to Rhonda and everyone who post their amazing stories here. The stories always perk me up and put me in a good mood.