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It’s all in your mind!!
Submitted by: Gauri
IndiaMy story begins from the time I first got a copy of The Secret movie from a friend. I couldn’t get enough of it and immediately bought the book. I spent a month reading and re-reading and trying to apply it. Finally I gave up. However in my heart I knew that I wouldn’t be giving up. I never spoke of this book/movie to people that I knew would have a skeptical attitude.
Almost 7-8 months later, I watched the movie again and this time decided to apply the law of attraction. It’s been 3 days now and I am seeing results.
(1) Having watched the movie, read the book, and read all the stories featured on this website, I wondered if all these stories were genuine – I knew they were, but I wanted some kind of affirmation. Wonder of wonders, an acquaintance came up to me the next day and in the course of the conversation told me how The Secret was helping her transform her life!
(2) A colleague at work had been making my days miserable. She is a rich woman and keeps flaunting her diamonds and other jewellery. She snubs everyone. She talks loudly and comes across as friendly and high-spirited while she is actually showing off and putting others down. When I talked she would wear a superior, condescending expression. I hated her and kept wishing passionately that I wouldn’t have to work with her the next year. Guess what happened! I was stuck with her no matter how hard I tried to shake her off.
Once I stopped speaking to her and snubbed her, too, but she came up to me in private and apologised and cried and then we made up. (This is what she does, misbehaves in public and apologises in private.) Anyways, I have spent 3 miserable years in her company now.
Only the day before yesterday, I realised that I was focusing on what I did not want and attracting it in the bargain. So I focused on what I wanted. I visualised myself eating alone, working peacefully, and deliberately moved her out of my thoughts. LOL… she has stopped speaking to me since the past two days, and I am sooooo happy. I know this is the result of my applying The Secret.
(3) My husband works on ships and is abroad most of the time. Although we stay in touch through phone, this time he is posted in Africa and the only way we can communicate is through email. Every day before checking my Inbox I visualise an email from him, and when I open my Inbox, it’s infallibly there!
Thanks to The Secret!!!!
(4) I used to slur while speaking and I cured myself of this by visualising myself as speaking clearly.
(5) I could not sleep last night. I was unhappy and no matter how hard I tried to be happy, unhappy thoughts flooded my mind. I got my book of The Secret out and began reading it in great detail. I read about relationships. And as I read what James Ray says – Do you treat yourself the way you expect others to treat you?, I started to cry. I understood the basic cause of my unhappy relationships with friends.
I understood that I had stopped respecting myself a long time ago in order to win friends. I had bent over backwards all the while pushing my thoughts, my ideas, my desires into the background. I had let others run my life. I had desperately tried to be popular – without success. No wonder I hated my so-called friends, no wonder I despise them!
I NOW UNDERSTAND that feeling good is not mechanical. It entails a deep understanding of yourself. I am grateful to The Secret for this understanding.
Thank you Rhonda, for bringing The Secret to the world.