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It’s About Time..
Submitted by: Cat Holmes
Denver, COI am a 26 year old single mother. I work full time and moved across the country with my daughter last June.
It took me 26 years to figure out ‘the Secret’. And when I figured it out I didn’t even know it was something other people talked about. I was just sick and tired of my life, my thoughts, of everything. I literally just woke up one day and thought ‘If I change the way I think it will change the way I feel which in turn should lead to changes in my life.’ It was worth a shot so I started to be aware of almost every thought I had everyday. I changed the way I looked at others and at myself. I changed the way I spoke to my daughter. I changed the way I looked at the world. I changed almost every aspect of the way my brain worked and the thoughts I had. The overhaul was long overdue.
One month later everything changed. I was no longer afraid to move forward. I moved out of my sisters basement and moved half way across the country with my 3 year old daughter to the place I have always wanted to live, Colorado. I only knew one person here. I landed a fabulous job that I actually have a future in. We live alone for the first time since Emma was born and it doesn’t bother me one bit. I met the man of my dreams and fall more in love everyday. I wake up every morning happier than I thought possible. When I walk out the door to start my day I fall in love with where and who I am all over again. It is the best feeling in the world. It was only after officially hearing about ‘the Secret’ that I realized it goes even farther. That I can control what I actually have, and where I go from here. To see the way this has already changed my life and to know that I didn’t even know all of ‘the Secret’, makes me even more excited and elated to wake up to each new day than I already am. And to think. I didn’t realize I could feel any better than I already do or love life any more than this and now I have found out that I can!! I am the happiest girl in the world 🙂
Cat Holmes