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It works, it works, it really works!
Submitted by: Shereen
UtahMother of three.. Happy as can be!! Loving life every minute of every day.
I have been living The Secret for several months now and every day I am more and more impressed by how easy it is to take advantage of the force of love and be in control of your life.
I submitted a story not too long ago when I first discovered The Secret thanking Rhonda for sharing it with the world but I wanted to share all the wonderful things that have happened since. After I discovered The Secret and had several wonderful things manifest in my life I created a vision board for all the “bigger things” that I wanted to have. On that board was among several other things my dream car. The perfect annual household income and of course another child. All those things had dates attached to them and I was not sure how they would manifest in such a short period of time. BUT THEY DID! I received my dream car only weeks after I had created the vision board.
We just went out to test drive it and the dealership presented us with a deal NO ONE could have refused. A payment we can easily afford. And just after that my husband was able to increase his annual income significantly so that we are very very close to the number on my vision board. And yes, I am expecting another child next spring!!
I am just so grateful and just want to share my feelings of gratitude and joy. I wish that the whole world would learn to use the force of love to work to their advantage and that everybody could have an amazing and wonderul life!
I am so very thankful!!