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It Really Works.
Submitted by: Cherry S
IndiaI'm a 20 year old girl who believes in the Universe and the law of attraction. I have manifested many things in my life.
First of all, before starting my story I want to thank the Universe for all of its blessings. I want to say thank you to Rhonda Byrne for The Secret, and thank you to the team of The Secret Super App. Also, I want to say thank you to all people that are sharing their amazing stories. I love reading The Secret Success Stories and about how the law of attraction works.
So a month back my maternal aunt was not in good health. Me and my family were really worried about her as we all are during this pandemic. Everything was so uncertain. So I just prayed to the Universe and said that she is going to be in good health within a week. I would pray every day for that week and I had a strong belief.
And, it happened within a week! Now she is in good health.
My other manifestations include getting good grades, losing weight, having my pimples go away and having glowing skin, finding washrooms nearby, and getting money unexpectedly! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am so grateful for everything in my life! Thank you for reading my story. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!