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It Always Works.
Submitted by: L.A.M.
Melbourne AUDriven and determined law student.
My introduction to The Secret began with a present from my Mother when I was 19 years old in college, the Gratitude Journal. As I began to use the Gratitude Journal before bed, I noticed two things. I immediately felt better about my days and that things I wrote about as ‘gratitude intentions’ began coming to me. Writing in my Gratitude Journal became one of my favourite activities. With this journal I attracted the best girlfriend I could have ever asked for at that time in my life.
Later, I read The Magic. After implementing The Magic into my life, I saw everything turn around. I felt in control of my own life and its direction and what I could achieve seemed limitless. One of my best outcomes was when I found out that I had achieved the grades I put up on my fridge. I had gone to the top of my class and completely turned two classes around, from C’s to A’s. I earned myself scholarships for my second year in Law school. This was a feat that many would have considered nearly impossible in Law school. I did it again in my second year coming at the top of a very competitive class. I managed to attract a great law job at an excellent law firm and a life that many would have been happy to have already, at my young age.
One of the things I deeply wanted in my career was the ability to travel and to gain a global perspective. With The Secret I have currently attracted the right friends and circumstances and am now applying for an incredible position in Europe that just a few years ago, I would have thought was impossible for me.
Looking back and even writing this story makes me realize just how far I have come in only a few years and how many beautiful possibilities lay in front of me. There were also so many great teachers, mentors, books and movies along the way that the Universe gave to me to help me get to this point.
Thank you Rhonda for having the courage to manifest your dreams into reality and inspiring all of us to do the same.