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Inner Happiness.
Submitted by: Mbali Goniwe
South AfricaI'm Esamisipho Mbali Goniwe, a 23 year young woman. I am currently working on my honors degree. I love helping people.
Good evening Rhonda.
I started reading your books last year and all of them are amazing and are just what I have been looking for all my life, especially The Magic. I have no accurate words to explain how the practice of gratitude has changed my life. Gratitude has become my source of bliss and it has become me. I always look forward to the next practice with excitement and joy in my heart. I never thought I would reach this level of joy and happiness in my life, just being happy for no external reason. I could never trade this peace for anything in the world. I always wake up with a cheerful smile on my face and go to bed with a grateful heart and a peaceful mind. I can never explain enough how gratitude is enhancing my daily emotions and I feel so much more connected to my soul. I feel whole and favored and my life is blessed beyond measures and I hope this message finds its way to you wherever you are. More health, more happiness, and more wealth to you and to The Secret team.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so very, very much!