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Impossible=I’m possible
Submitted by: Class Topper
Abudhabi, UAEIf you think you can or you think you can't , you are right.
As a student my performance in school was always excellent. I have always had at least 98% in academics. But this year my academic performance went really down. My percentage went down from the usual 98 to 80 percent. I felt as if my life had shattered around me. I believed that I would never do well again.
One evening as I was tidying up my bookshelf, I came across my copy of ‘The Secret’ which I had bought a year ago. I leafed through the pages of the book and came across what Bob Proctor had said ‘If you can see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.’ And at that time all I wanted was A1 grade in all subjects which meant I had to get 100% in all the subjects. Earlier I’d thought that it was impossible. I’m going to see it in my mind and hold it in my hand, I said to myself.
Everyday I would see my reportcard in my mind and visualize all the A1s I wanted. I would feel the joy. I would fill myself with gratitude. And on the day the results were declared, I turned out to be the only one among all the 300 ninth graders in my school, to score all A1s.
Thank you so much Rhonda for such a wonderful book. It has indeed proved to be life transfroming.