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Imagine It Then Let It Go.
Submitted by: Elena G.
MarylandPart time student and a full time worker, just trying to create the life I want.
The Secret came into my life right after my father passed away in 2009. He was a firm believer in it and gave out copies of it to everyone he could. And the one copy that was left was his, which had all his underlining and highlighting for me to find which was very special.
At first, I just wanted to feel connected to my father, but so much more happened after opening up that book. It was like he was giving me a gift from beyond and telling me it was going to be OK.
Fast forward to today, and I realize looking back now how much I have manifested both deliberately and unconsciously since then. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that we are our own road blocks, so learn how to let it go and trust that it will work out.
A small example of this that I did this year was getting not just one 100% on a math exam, but a total 3 100% on my exams including the final. I am not good at math, and this achievement proved to me that I can manifest anything I desire if I believe that I can, and if I let it go! Also trust in the instincts that you have, they will guide you to your desires as well. The Universe is giving you messages wherever you are, you just have to open your mind, your eyes, and your heart to them! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy manifesting everyone!