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I’m Going To Scottsdale!
Submitted by: Meeshmanifested
Ft. Lauderdale, FloridaYoung, Haitian woman wanting to succeed in life, with my business, my family and love life.
I have been seeing a guy for 2 weeks. He has been very giving to me and he does not even know I am in need financially. After our first date, he asked me to be his Valentine and he gave me $500. I never asked him for anything.
I was going out to a bar with him and some of my friends, and I said “What do you think if we got the girls a first round of drinks? ” He agreed and gave me $300.
My friend wants to travel next weekend but I can not afford to travel. However, I told him I would love to go and he immediately said, “We should go.” Then he went ahead and he booked the flights. I woke up yesterday morning and changed my mind about me having him on this trip. I thought to myself that I would rather hang out with my friend instead on this trip.
I called him and was ready to talk to him about it but instead of me saying anything, he talked himself out of coming on the trip. He canceled our tickets and rebooked mine.
It’s funny how the doors open when we’re intentional with what we want.