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I Won £250,000 In A Radio Competition!
Submitted by: A K
United KingdomI have been following The Secret and have had several things come true using the law of attraction practices.
Where should I begin? I am so happy, excited, and grateful! I feel on top of the world because I have just won £250,000 in a radio competition!
This is my first story post, as I have always wanted to write a success story here once everything worked out for me. I wanted to give everyone hope, inspiration, faith, and happiness!!!
By way of background, I work in customer service. I have been working in the customer service industry for seven years since leaving university in 2016. I have had both good and bad experiences throughout my short career, but my last employer was one of the best jobs I have ever had. However, I needed to find something full time.
I had applied for so many jobs, and one job I had applied to was for a small business. A couple of days later I got invited for an interview. The day after the interview, I wrote in my phone calendar that the job was mine and that I had been hired. A couple of days passed by, and I got shortlisted with another person. I had my training session, and the company said they would let me know by the end of the day.
I got a phone call from them to say that I had not been successful. I was upset, but then I remembered that the job was mine and this was not the end result. It is the Universe ‘testing’ me. It was not even three days later when I got a phone call offering me the job! I accepted it and even typed up my notice letter and handed it in on the day I got offered the job. Throughout my interview, I thanked God and the Universe for my job. I even used affirmations for job interview success.
I received the salary of my dreams, and I love working there. The people are so lovely, and I finally settled and became a success within their business in the very short time I have been here!
I decided to attract £250,000 in unexpected income, and guess what? I did! I won it in a local radio competition. I paid off my parents’ mortgage of £60,000. I helped my older brother become financially abundant by paying off his debt of £28,000.
I gave my little brother £20,000 to keep in his savings for when he needs it or for a deposit for a house or a wedding. I gave my older brother £20,000 for a house deposit or a wedding. I gave my parents £40,000 for house renovations and enough for them to live on for the next couple of years. I kept the remaining £82,000 for me and my husband to use as a house deposit. I also used some of the money for savings as I wanted to help my family out and also pay off my remaining debt and live life freely with no more financial worries!
I had noticed seeing angel numbers for the past few days, so I decided to go for it and purchase 61 entries for the £250,000 competition that the Gem radio was hosting, and guess what? My entry came up trumps! I felt sick as my phone rang, and I picked up, and it was the radio team calling to say that I had won £250,000 and to stay on the line and they would transfer the money to me; I had finally cracked the code of The Secret Whoopee!!!!
Thank you so very much to Rhonda and The Secret team. Now, me and my family are living such a stress-free life!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!