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I touch my wrist and immediately I Believe
Submitted by: Jalet Aguilar
Paranaque, PhilippinesWas lost but has been found!!!!
It was May of last year that I discovered the Secret. I was at a point of my life where everything was so mundane, so ordinary. For the longest time, I felt like I was a robot; going through my day uninspired and without a purpose.
I came to find out about The Secret by listening to the Podcasts from the Dalai Lama in New York. I was trying to find guidance in every possible way I can. In the podcast they said that an Australian author was interviewed by Oprah and that it’s getting a lot of buzz in the States. I checked out the website and told myself that it looks interesting and I definitely want to know more. That afternoon, when I passed by the window of a bookstore, there it was. The Secret was waiting for me.
I read the book as soon as I got it. I read it on my bus ride home and never put it down till I finished reading the entire book. Going through its pages, I just can’t help but be inspired and be thankful. The book made me aware of my capabilities. The book made me aware of the things that I have missed out and the opportunities that I let pass just because I entertained those negative thoughts. Most importantly, the book taught me how I should live my life and showed me a picture of what my life will be.
The most important lesson that I took away from reading this book, and this I tell my friends and families, is that we all have to do is BELIEVE. Believe that all things are possible. Believe that life is meant to be wonderful. Believe that all things are great. Believe that we are all meant to be happy and abundant. Believe that we all deserve to have the greatest things the Universe has to offer.
Believe I believe that we should all believe. And because I was so inspired by this thought, I had the word ‘believe’ tattooed on my wrist. I had it inked in white and it looks great. And people just can’t help but ask why I had such a word tattooed on my wrist. Whenever this happen, this is what I tell them:
This tattoo is a reminder for me. A constant reminder that I can do anything as long as I Believe. I know that life will continue to challenge me, and when the time comes that I falter, all I need to do is look at my wrist, touch my tattoo, close my eyes and say, BELIEVE
This is my first tattoo and I love it. I’ve had it for almost a year now – on August 7, 2008 to be exact. And true to my intended purpose for having it, this tattoo has inspired me and helped me go through life’s challenges since I had it.
Living The Secret has inspired me, and it will continuously inspire me for the rest of my life.
Jalet 🙂
Believer in the Philippines