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I See Light And Darkness Disappear.
Submitted by: Jeannette Jepsen
DenmarkI am a 51 year young women who has had a trying life.
My life has not always been easy, but the one thing that never entirely left me was my belief in something bigger than myself. You can call it God or you can call it the Universe, or even both, whatever you believe in.
However, even in my darkest of hours, I always felt that something or someone was protecting me and helping me. A long time ago I got run over by a heavy truck. I broke my leg and it took over a year to mend. But I still had my life, and without the money that I got in the settlement, I would not have my beautiful son, who now is 9 years old.
I had problems with getting pregnant, and that was also a very trying time for me. I went through 7 IVF treatments but still had no luck and no baby. The hospital gave up on me but I did not give up on myself. So I got help at another place in another country. After 2 IVF attempts, I got pregnant 2 times. I lost the first pregnancy. The second time I got pregnant with twins and lost one of them. My son’s heart was beating strong and I gave birth to him two weeks after I turned 42 years old! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
That was all before I knew about The Secret. So my hope for my son’s and my future is that now that I know about The Secret, I learn to trust in it. And, to trust in my power to create a great life for us as well as to help and inspire others.
I am so grateful to the Universe for always being there for me and helping me to see the light in life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!