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I saved my father’s life.
Submitted by: Arancha P.
Valladolid, SpainI'm a 36 year old English teacher and a Council in the town where I live now, and with a brilliant future you will know about.
Yes, I can tell you this story, unbelievable for many, but not for The Secret believers. Last Thursday, February 11, I was at my parents home, it was lunchtime, and my parents were already eating when my father started to cough while swallowing a piece of food. Nothing serious at the beginning, but a few moments later my mother started screaming because my father lost consciousness and collapsed over the kitchen table. I was scared then, and ran into the kitchen. When I saw what was going on, I reacted and held him from behind and as I know now, I practiced on him the ‘Heimlich maneuver’, and he immediately “came to life”. Guess what I was doing in the next room? I was watching the visualization tools in this website – The Secret to You. I have never done any courses on First Aid in my life, I had seen it in a film, a long time ago, but never practiced it. A miracle happened !!!!!
So what can I say to you? Thank you Rhonda, thank you the team of The Secret, and thank you all. I discovered The Secret a few months ago, a friend lent it it to me (I have bought five of them already and given to my closest relatives), and I do believe that The Secret made me be at home that day and be able to keep celebrating the life I have today.
Thank you again!!!!