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I Passed! Thank You Arigato Asantesana!!
Submitted by: M
JapanStudent loving her life practicing LOA.
First of all thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda and The Secret Team for spreading this gift to the world for us.
Thank you to all who have written their stories here. Each and every story has inspired me and helped me keep faith, and put a smile on my face every morning.
My life has been full of happiness and excitement since I first learned about the Law of Attraction. This is just a part of which happened recently.
I’ve been studying Nursing Science for the last four years and just before graduation came the National Nursing Licensure exam.
Long story short, I Passed!!!!
I did not have a good head start. There were many days I wished I had started earlier.
All the trial exam results were far from good.
Despite the situation I was in, I focused on what I wanted and visualized me hugging my family and friends telling them the great news as often as I possibly could. I tried everything I could to put myself in a good place of mind and make sure I was feeling good. Pharrell Williams’s 24 hours of “HAPPY” played a huge part in that. God bless him.
I put my wish on my vision board. I wrote my gratitude list.
On the day of the exam, I left my home smiling and came back crying.
I did not do well. I was certain I did not pass.
It took me a few days to get back on track, but I did, thanks to my family and friends.
To regain faith again, I found a photo of the certificate you receive when you’ve passed, and edited it so that it looked like mine. Wrote my name, my number, and underlined the word “PASSED”. I put it on my wallpaper for my iPhone so that I would see it everyday.
Today, I hold in my hand the certificate that looks just like my wallpaper.
Thank you for reading. Sending waves of Magic Dust to you all.
It’s okay to lose faith at times. Just remember you can always get back from your knees to your feet again and the best part is, it’s never too late!