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I manifested my soulmate in 30 days!
Submitted by: Christy K.
Denver, Co.I'm 53, married to my soulmate, have 5 grown kids, a beautiful grandson, & own a dental staffing agency. I am maifesting some wonderful things into my life, and loved "The Secret".
I was in a personal growth class & had come from a terrible past to really transforming my life into something wonderful. A friend in the course was telling me how she finally met & became engaged at the age of 34 to her true love. She said she just stated that she would meet him by a certain date. I laughed and said out loud, “Well, I never put a DATE to it before!…O.K., this is June 25th, 2005….I am meeting my true love by July 25th! ” I laughed again – not out of disbelief, but because I believe in this and thought it would be fun. I must also add that I forgot about it and went on to enjoy my life. I am 53, was divorced for 4 years, and had really gotten to a place of truly loving myself and my life. In fact I make it a point to say out loud, ” I LOVE my life!” I met him by chance on July 1st, and we just got married on June 22nd , 2006. He is awesome!