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I found the Cardigan…… Yay Yay !!
Submitted by: RGR
Maryland, USAA 29 yr old happily married woman, practicing The Secret every single day and basking in its glory
This is my story, I just love coming back here and sharing my experiences with all you lovely people. Your stories give me so much happiness and strength every single day, and I have to share mine too!!
Two weeks back I saw a wonderful cardigan at a store. It was one of my favorite brands and at a huge discount. I loved it but it wasn’t the right size, I rummaged through the clothes looking for my size, even checked the clothes which come out from the change rooms, just in case, not there. I started using The Secret, telling myself the cardigan (with the correct size) is going to be mine. I strongly felt that I was going to get it, I was completely sure like I am going to find it soon, maybe at a place where it wouldn’t be conventionally. I gave thanks to God, as I was actually enjoying the search, it was like hide-and-seek, I knew it’s there I just had to spot it. I’m sure I sound desperate now, it was just a cardigan after all, but I loved it and besides I have fun applying The Secret to little things.
Soon my darling husband got impatient, telling me it’s not there and it was time to leave. I was a little disappointed but I was still sure that cardigan was mine, 100% positive about that.
Next weekend came, and by chance we went to a shopping complex where the same store was there, it was a different branch. I looked cheekily at my husband and smiled, he said ‘ok let me help you this time, to make things quicker’. I went through the first rack quickly, not there, impulsively decided to take another look, and there it was, the correct size and color. My perfect fantastic cardigan and still at the same good price. We both had a good laugh and I had really enjoyed the whole process.
You guys might think such an essay about a single cardigan. What I did want to tell was the process. I told myself afterwards ”If I enjoy every single situation like this even when it doesn’t seem to be going my way. If I apply the positive attitude and give such happy feelings to things, whether or not they seem in line with my expectations, then I am sure I can make a good and content life.”
I hope you guys also get the same message. I will definitely use this as a learning experience for a bright future and manifesting new things.