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I Did Not Get The Cold
Submitted by: Sherry S.
Honolulu, HawaiiI'm a loving and devoted mom to 4 awesome kids; I'm grateful and thankful for a loving relationship where I'm learning some good life lessons for my growth.
I’m fairly new to The Secret. I actually got the book about a month and a half ago, and purchased the soundtrack a few weeks ago. I kept wondering why things weren’t manifesting in my life, though I did get things clear in my mind, did the vision board, thought I was feeling grateful…but nothing happened.
Last week Monday, my senior boss got really sick with a cold virus. She worked half-days Monday and Tuesday, then stayed home Wednesday and Thursday because it knocked her for a loop. That Tuesday, another boss of mine caught her cold. So when Wednesday rolled around and I was starting to get the scratchy throat and post nasal drip, I was so upset. I had made plans to attend a special class with my yoga group. Our group teaches a non-combative form of martial arts, and the master of the international organization was going to be in town (a RARITY for our small group here in Hawaii) and would do a teaching demonstration. I starting downing stuff like Airborne and EmergenC to try to get rid of the cold. The more I tried, the more it got worse.
So on Thursday, I thought “Let’s give The Secret a try.” I started to envision being at that class, being in the FRONT ROW of the ballroom. I was HEALTHY, with not a sniffle or cough to my name. I was exercising with great joy and enthusiasm with everyone, and the Master was smiling at me because I was enjoying myself. I had tears of joy, because I was so grateful for the opportunity to be there. I REALLY held that feeling in my heart and had absolute faith that I would be there.
Where in other things I THOUGHT I had faith but didn’t really FEEL it…I was not successful in manifesting my desires. I was successful in manifesting being there at the martial arts presentation on Saturday, June 10th. On Friday morning, I felt absolutely fine. No sniffles. No body aches. No sore throat from post nasal drip. On Saturday afternoon, I was right there, in the front row, when Master Owoon gave his personalized instruction to approximately 100 of us. I was so happy, joyful and grateful that yes, I had to fight my tears of joy while participating. I was able to have this, thanks to The Secret.
Now I know what I need to do to create the life that I want. Thank you, Rhonda for giving the world this precious gift.