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Belief In The Secret
Submitted by: Anna
Tucson, AZI had been going through a very difficult time dealing with many emotional issues that started in late September of 2006. These issues eventually lead to stress related health problems such as acid reflux and stomach pain that started in January of this year and would not go away no matter what I tried. I felt as though my life as I knew it was ripped away from me, I thought I would never be the same. I struggled to get my life back in order while trying to get through the physical problems. I would often cry myself to sleep because I felt like I was just too young to be dealing with these sort of problems and would think, why me? Why can’t I be normal like everyone else my age? In May of this year, I was able to find a good job and it helped somewhat to get distracted but the physical problems were still there. It wasn’t until just about two weeks ago that my mother pointed out The Secret (the book) while we were at Barnes and Noble. I picked it up and started reading……it seems as though something inside me clicked when I started to read more and more. I purchased the book and immediately began using The Secret to change the way I was thinking. I could not believe that in only just a few days, the stomach problems were gone. I cannot express how grateful I am to have come to discover this. I truly believe that something led me to have it in my hands. I am starting to feel like “me” again and I could not be any happier. I will always use The Secret to bring even more good things into my life and share it with as many people as I can. Thank you, thank you so much, especially to Rhonda Byrne and all of the people that helped put it together.
Blessings to all of you.
Much love,