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I believe and it returns!
Submitted by: Camila D.
Carazinho,RS, BrazilMy name is Camila, I live in a small city in Brazil. I'm 13 years old, and I dicovered The Secret a few months ago.
Since 2006 I have had a cat. I love my cat so much and it always makes me feel good and happy. Four months ago it ran away and didn’t return! So, I discovered The Secret, and it made me believe that my cat will return to the house…
On the 24th of December I decided that it will return and I believed it with all of my heart. At night I heard a sound when I saw it was my cat that was there, I was so happy that the only thing that I could say was: thanks, thanks, thanks…
The Secret has change my life.. And bringing my cat back again isn’t the only thing that The Secret gives to me!