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I am Lucky.
Submitted by: Cartesia T.
Hagaman,NY.I am 28 yrs. old and love to laugh. The Secret has changed my life forever!
My whole life was stressful. I grew up in a family that couldn’t accept me for who I was. I had really bad things happen to me. I ran away at the tender age of fifteen. I quit high school because of a rape that ruined my reputation and caused me to be teased by guys. I was homeless and abused. I married at age nineteen to a man who took my children away from me. My life was bad but not anymore. I was twenty-seven when The Secret fully became a part of me. I didn’t know that all the time I spent in chaos was due to me not listening to my intuition, my thoughts, and my true feelings.
See, it took me until twenty-seven yrs. old to realize that for all my life the Secret was there guiding me. All those bad situations I escaped were due to my strong feelings of wanting to live and succeed in life. I always kept my eyes on the prize. I wanted to find love, peace and happiness. I realized that all the bad happening was because I didn’t love and believe in me. How can I get everything I want if I only focus on the negative things that happen to me? I wanted change. A light bulb went off and the good feelings I once had as a child became real again. People always talk about how happy I am all the time. Even through the bad times, I always tried smiling and doing it always brought good.
The Secret confirmed my feelings and beliefs about life. When I read the book, the pieces that was missing in my life was brought back to me. All the dreams and thoughts I had as a child were reborn. I think we all are born with The Secret but lose our way due to society and our environment. I love me and I love my life and everything I want, I have.
I have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me. I am finally going to finish my college degree. I have wealth and good health. I have it all. Everything I just mentioned came after I applied The Secret completely to my life. We all have The Secret within. We all can have everything we desire. We just have to believe in ourselves to put the positive energy out into the Universe and know it will be returned.
I am Lucky. Know that you are too.