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I Am A “Googler” Now!
Submitted by: Raishin Akabane
The Blue GlobeI am a dreamer and I want to do big, really big things. I am extremely grateful to have found The Secret.
I had been trying to get into the tech-giant for a long time. I was able to get myself the interview calls. That happened a couple of times. I did not go past the 3rd round or so. I was so disheartened and felt all hell broke lose. But I did not let my dream fade away. I kept at it and believed again that I would be able to get an offer from the company of my dreams.
Well, a very interesting job role appeared on the careers site of this company and I applied for it without wasting time. Unfortunately, my application was rejected on the grounds of not being a suitable fit for the role and that there were other candidates with stronger skills that were needed for the said job role.
But I did not give up and “knew” that it was “my dream job”. I knew I would be offered this job, I wasn’t sure how and frankly speaking, I didn’t care a bit about that part. It was like I was force-filling my grid with the help of affirmations that this job was mine. There was a bit of struggle at first but then I was at ease and was clearly imagine myself at Google working for the said job role. I imagined my first day vividly and trust me, my first day here at Google was way better than what I had imagined. I got offered an awesome salary and I have broken the barriers of “belonging to the middle class”. I am rich now. I get to travel the world and enjoy my conversations with the most amazing folks working with me at Google.
I am extremely grateful and I thank myself now for believing blindly in myself that I could “pull if off”. You see, it is not that Google offered me that job, it is rather “I forced my grid to give me that job offer with the power of intentions and self-belief”. The Universe is awesome and so is Rhonda. Thank you for reading and wishing me the best for the days ahead. You will get there, just keep at it.